
They lead the executive branch of the federal government...

"I did not have pawsual relations with that woman."

photo via Huffington Post via 1994 file photo


They will not be called "a secretary"...

That's administrative assistant, thank you very much.  I don't get your coffee and I don't sit at my desk filing my claws.  This is a strategic career move, buddy.  One day I'll be running this joint.

photo of a purrfectly accessorized Athena submitted as an anonymous tip by a loyal reader


They call in sick...

Bluebell: "Cough. Cough. Um, I think I got food poisoning from a cheap can of food."

Boss: "Hmmm...okay, but we're going to need a note from your vet."

Bluebell on the phone, originally uploaded by JoshSemans.

They can't stay on top of all the paperwork...

Fur Four words: Is it Friday yet?

photo courtesy of Leonardo's Notebook by Mattheus Mei

They make house calls...

"I gave med school a shot, but let's be honest - a cat in a doctor's office? Good luck concentrating when you've got all those shiny objects to distract you…"

photo and quote via Morris the Cat of 9 Lives


They spend all day on hold with Dell...

You think you're the only one with computer problems? Maybe you haven't read the reports out there on cat productivity in the workplace; the number one productivity-sucker for cats is technology difficulties.

photo via FunnyCatSite

They pull a Costanza...

What? Like you haven't thought of doing it yourself.

photo via Embrace Pet Insurance Blog


Vintage Career Cats: Mad Men Style

See? Even cats were cooler back in the day when you could smoke cigarettes and drink scotch while hashing out the next advertising campaign for Meow Mix.

Office Cat photo via The Daily C


They rule the land with an iron paw...

The Cowardly Lion paved the way for so many other cats.

photo courtesy of Pampered Whiskers. Your cat can be a king too for only $14.99.

They're not happy with your job performance...

"Have a seat. Listen, were we not clear on the expectations when we hired you for this position?"

Sharing, originally uploaded by The Suss-Man (Mike).

They start from the bottom...

Mimi knew she had to work her way up the corporate ladder so she took the entry level job in the file room.

Mimi, home secretary, originally uploaded by Em Kâ Bé.


They make their first million...

His name is The Internet and he is a wealthy banker. With a name like that it is obvious he is destined for success.

Money Cat submitted by Sue.


They live life on the road as long haul truckers...

Most cats will tell you trucking is not a job. It's a lifestyle.

I can haz car keez?, originally uploaded by alexik.


They built this city...

The next time you take an elevator or drive over a bridge just ask yourself this: "How many cats did it take to build what I take for granted every day?"

Construction Cat, originally uploaded by Dalboz17.

They need the perfect shot...

Cats at Camera, originally uploaded by Rock Portrait Photography.

They moonlight as club DJ's...

Every cat needs a role model and Gatto Mimmo found his inspiration in the career of MC Skat Kat.


They cater weddings and bar mitzvahs...

Just don't complain if there's fur in your salad...they never claimed to be hairless.

070907 cats cooking, originally uploaded by Dan4th.

They get downsized...

Lay-offs affect everyone. Even administrative assistant cats get the pink slip and have to pack up all their belongings and leave the premises immediately.

Cat Block of Office Move, originally uploaded by MookieLuv.

They got their master's degree in library science...

Shhhhhhhh.....no cell phones in the library!

Shelf the cat I, originally uploaded by tillwe.

They crunch numbers...

She is busting her hump day all day long, but someone has to revise all the TPS reports by Friday.

Cat and Calculator, originally uploaded by Felix Idan.

They blog...

Sure, he never learned how to touch type, but that doesn't stop blogger cat (clogger), Mr. Paws, from picking up an old laptop and start tapping away at the keyboard. He's made quite a scene on the internet with his hip new blog MisterPaws.tumblr.com.